Feedback Forum

Welcome to the HubHive Feedback Forum, where every idea gets VIP treatment! We're on a mission to build the strongest Hive for you, but we suspect there might be a few loose screws (hopefully not in our heads). Got a bone to pick? A lightbulb moment? Or spotted something on our site that made you go 'hmm'? This is your moment to help us shine. Nothing is too small or too big; if it's on your mind, it's important to us. Help us turn 'oops' into 'wows', and 'mehs' into 'amazings'. Dive in, the feedback pool is open!

Each submission will be reviewed and posted below. Each submission can be up-voted up to ensure the best ideas rise to the top.

Click your favorite that you’d like to upvote in the box below, then select the blue button “Upvote”.